Monday, February 22, 2016

Introduction to OWCS 12c

This document is created to provide an idea on the news features of Oracle WebCenter Sites 12c. This new version of WCS introduces various marketing tools which can be used by marketers to generate web pages personalized based on the characteristics (interests, social category, context, etc.) of an individual or group of users, therefore providing them with a tailored user experience.

    • Oracle has introduced new MVC pattern of coding in 12c which follows the following flow:
    • General idea is to write all the business logic in controller (WCS_Controller asset type) which serves as CONTROLLER, Templates or SiteEntry+CSElement can include controllers and should contain only basic HTML code and output from controller using <fragment> tags and thus, serve as VIEW. Output from controllers i.e. asset data are saved in MAP objects which serve as MODEL. Hence, the MVC pattern.
    • REST api was already present in older version of Oracle WebCenter Sites to access data but 12c provides simpler ways to access data in different ways. Check out this section for more details.
    • Improvements in eclipse-csdt plugin and csdt command line feature.

    • Visitor services is a separate module which can be installed and configured with WCS 12c to capture visitor’s activity data from various multiple platforms like google, fb, twitter, etc. and saves as a unified profile within webcenter sites so that marketers can segmentize visitors on basis of these unified profiles/data and thus, target users with desired content. Details related to configuration are present here. This is very advanced topic in terms of capturing visitors data and providing personalized data. Engage is already a part of WCS 12c OOTB and can be used in tandem with Visitors services and Insights (described later) components to target end-users efficiently.
    • This component is kind of reporting tool to check specific visitor action that one can identify for tracking for e.g. number of clicks on certain asset or promotion, specific link, amount of time a visitor watches video, stays on a webpage or an ad.
    • Conversion assets can be created by marketers and works in tandem with Insights component and A/B testing to generate conversion reports.
    • The Insights component delivers a comprehensive real-time view of your website's ROI.
    • This component is again a marketing tools for marketers to drill down marketing initiatives from webpage to single asset.
    • It also provides information on the contributors which worked for contributing content within WCS during a period by generating reports.
    • Marketers can analyse website traffic and user behaviour to segmentize them at very specific content level and target them using either both Engage and Visitors Service component or just with Engage only.
    • This marketing functionality within WCS contributor interface works in tandem with Conversions and Insights components; to test a piece or group of content against each other to determine which can be best for visitors targeting and/or serving best content by testin g performance among variations of content before delivering the content to end-users. This is more of hit-and-trial kind of creating variation of content (assets), capturing data and analysing for targeting users. For A/B testing, insights component should be enabled.
  • Rest of the features are few improvements, functionality and accessibility in the WCS product itself.

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